Monday, December 04, 2006

farming a boat...

There's a bird in the chimmney
And a stone in my bed
When the road's washed out
They pass the bottle around

Rolla, BC.

...Karl, Emily, and Dean.
They live on a cattle farm in Rolla, they are all good artists,
they are all wonderful warm and generous people.
Emily made this boat out of sticks and
cow placenta she collects during the winter births.
I spent a couple of months one winter up there...
l will never forget the richness and warmth they shared with me.

"The reality of art is the reality of the imagination."-j.winterson

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Rags and Rust...

It's a place i've found
There's a world going on
They're alive, they're awake
While the rest of the world is asleep
Below the mine shaft roads
It will all unfold

Dolls have been with humankind since prehistoric times giving us mystery, magic, play and power.
This doll making workshop will play with contemporary artdolls, paper dolls, teddy bears, poppets, fabric, wood, beeswax, plaster.
Through personal narrative you will explore your own story creating dolls infused with energy and relation to self.

...yes if your in victoria Dec.10th l will be giving a artdoll workshop. Come by and stick some needles in your thumb.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

fran's new work...

...go see fran's work at the new west gallery in Sydney, BC.

Friday, September 29, 2006

empty blank spaces...

"Each truly subjective photograph describes the self of the photographer.
Each symbol, throught the process of transference or projection,
becomes totemic of the photographer's unconscious drives and archetypes.
Each photographer deals with issues, emotions and taboos particular to his
psychological identity. Often what does not appear in the empty blank spaces
- is more important than what is included."
-arthur goldsmith

knots, ropes, and slings...

"Well I got here at eight and I'll be here till two
I'll try my best to entertain you
Please don't mind me if I get a bit crude
I'm your late night evening prostitute"

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

art shows in grand forks

should you be happening by...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

This is a recent piece I did. It was actually a wedding card for a friend.

Be well...


How many wear a smile upon their face

Although their hearts may hold an empty place?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Then there were twelve...

I lit a wooden match; I let it all burn down
I've broken every rule; I've wrecked it all down

One was filled with pain and sorrow so beautiful it made us all cry, one a head of red like a beacon for us all
one darkly dancing to banff, one who did not do pretty art,
one who taught us rusty vinegar, one who started with a glue gun but buried it in the dirt,
one who burst into the class at the last minute with nothing but gave lots,
one, a raging granny who was anything but raging, one who ignored instructions but it didn't matter,
one who made us laugh and made our art smell like instant coffee,
one who could've been high maintenance but ended up simply charming.

...and then there were twelve,
twelve wonderful students who came out to the metchosin summer school of the arts and created beautiful things for a week.
All of you, thank you.



Saturday, July 01, 2006

love and rust...

my show opens soon...

Friday, June 02, 2006

"Ultimately, photography is subversive not when it frightens, repels, or even stignatizes but when it is pensive, when it thinks."
-roland barthes

frantisek drtikol

Frantisek Drtikol was born in 1883 in Pribram, Czechoslovakia. He apprenticed at a portrait studio before attending in 1901 the Munich Lehr-Und Versuchsanstalt fur Photographie, a teaching and research institute.
Frantisek returned to Prague where he opened his own portrait studio, photographing artists and writers, and becoming very well known for it.
...a painter, Frantisek Drtikol contiuned to paint, making backdrops for his photographs. He was influenced by art Nouveau and in turn he was a influentual figure in the Bauhaus movement.

...experimental, expressive, Frantisek started to embrace the ideals of the art deco movement, began using cutouts and softness of lighting, dream like compositions. He was finding a new language. Taking this even further, in 1930 Frantisek stopped using models altogether amd began creating cutout figures that he inserted into his compositions.

"The eye is a great, beautiful chapter. And one that you never finish reading. I find that its range of expression keeps expanding, depending on how the sharpness of my own eye improves and how my empathy for other people deepens. The glint of an eye... A model once came to me: a gaunt, plain face, a thin body, but uncommonly pretty eyes - large and sad. I would have liked to place those eyes somewhere in a void, so they could live a completely separate life, so they could live through their sad beauty." - Frantisek Drtikol

I find Frantisek's photography heavy with sadness, l find beauty and thickness there but so alone.

In 1935 Frantisek gave up photography completely, returning to painting and philosophy. Drifting into obscurity he died lonely and forgotten in 1961.

Friday, May 05, 2006

favourite pictures i used to have in my kitchen

look what i found when i was going through my stuff late last night...

they're both by richard kalvar, who i know almost nothing about, except that he's american and still alive.

untitled, 1976

untitled, france, 1974

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

also opening soon...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

opening soon...

"Naked l came into the world, but brush strokes cover me, language raises me, music rhythms me. Art is my rod and staff, my resting place and shield, and not mine only, for art leaves nobody out. Even those from whom art has been stolen away by tyranny, by poverty, begin to make it again."
-Jeanette Winterson

Thursday, April 20, 2006

stealing steel...

"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,
and the true success is to labour."
-robert louis stevenson

Many years ago l met this bikerartiststeel man, l helped him photograph his steel sculpture for a book he produced. His name is roy mackey and he is a wonderful man. I remember blowing up one of his chairs with gasoline, biggest boom l've ever heard and it flew ten feet in the air, and the greatest thing was that roy never got mad, infact he rebuilt the chair and gave it a grand second life.

roy lives in vancouver, looks after the ARC (live/work studio's). Below is some new work he is doing, if you get the chance and are in vancouver go see him, he is very personable, lively, talkative, helpful, has a parrot that bites, and sometimes he will give you a chocolate.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

get on the bus...

"The only gift is
a portion of thyself."
-ralph waldo emerson

Okay here are a couple more entries for youall. The second one is from my friend Paul Crawford, curator of Grand Forks Public art gallery. If you've never been to Wells, go now. You won't be dissapointed. It is a incredible place with incredible people. Get on the bus. go.

CALL for Entry
The Chilliwack Artists Association.
45899 Henderson Ave.
Chilliwack BC
V2P 2X6.

Invites artists to submit slides, CDs or Photographs of recent work, in any medium, for consideration for the 2007 Exhibition year. Exhibition space is available at the Chilliwack Arts Centre Gallery (Artists Gallery) on Henderson or at Chilliwack City Hall Gallery on Young Street.
Deadline for submissions will be June 30th 2006.
For additional information and application forms
Please contact the Vice President. Marilyn Goodridge @ 604 824 0563.

For Immediate Release

Contact: Julie Fowler, Artistic Director/Curator
Toll Free: 1-800-442-ARTS (2787)
Tel: 250-994-3466 Fax: 250-994-3433


Wells, British Columbia, Canada - Island Mountain Arts Gallery is pleased to announce four-day scholarship opportunities for visual artists working in any media to the 2006 Wells Artists’ Project for Professional and Emerging Artists. The 2006 program will feature the internationally renowned artists, Michael Morris, RCA & Robert Murray, CM, RCA as mentors over the course of the program which runs over nine days from Saturday July 29 - Sunday Aug 6, 2006. Participants will be provided studio space and direct and peer group mentorship with daily one on one critiques with the mentor artists and their peers.

How is it funded?
Island Mountain Arts Gallery and Summer School of the Arts is a not-for-profit society founded in 1977 in the community of Wells, British Columbia, Canada. You can access their web page at or contact Julie Fowler at 1-800-442-2787 or by e-mail
How much is it?
Each scholarship is worth $400 and can be applied to the eight-day program should the recipient wish to take advantage of the full eight-days of 2006 Wells Artists’ Project.
What are the Selection Criteria?
Based on a review of the application materials and the following considerations, Island Mountain Arts Gallery will select two individuals to receive scholarships. Scholarships will be awarded to one emerging and one professional artist. Island Mountain Arts reserves the right to change these criteria if the submissions warrant.

Applications must include the following:

Ø Include what category they are applying under (emerging or professional artist).

Ø Show a commitment to their art practice.

Ø A letter stating what they hope to gain from this experience

Ø Provide a current CV and artist statement.

Ø Provide 6 - 10 images of artwork created in the last year either as slides or digital images.

Ø A commitment to attend the course if accepted

What is the application deadline?
May 15th, 2006 (successful applicants will be notified no later than May 30th)

How do I apply for this scholarship?
Mail the above requested information to:

Wells Artist Project - Scholarship
Island Mountain Arts
PO Box 65, Wells, BC
V0K 2R0, Canada

Friday, April 14, 2006

fear and loneliness...

"At once a new warmth flows through me. These voices, these quiet words, these footsteps in the trench behind me recall me at a bound from the terrible loneliness and fear of death by which l had been almost destroyed. They are more to me than life - their voices, they are more than motherliness and more than fear, they are the strongest, most comforting thing there is anywhere - they are the voices of my comrades."

-All quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque

Robert Capa

Montblanc, Tarragona, 1938

Robert Capa was born Andre Friedmann in Budapest in 1913. At barely 18 he moved to Berlin and took up photojournalism and a few years later moved to Paris which he would consider his only home.

"On road to Messina, 1943

In Paris Robert struggled to earn a living and fell in love with Gerda Taro. Together they created the name Robert Capa, finding it more profitable to sell his images.

Fallen Soldier, Spanish Civil War, 1936

Robert and Gerda moved to war torn Spain in 1936, wishing to fight totalitarianism with their cameras.

In Spain Gerda acquired the nickname "La pequeria rubia". ...sadly Gerda was killed, accidently run over by a tank. She was 26 and it is said that a piece of Robert died with her.

"gerda and robert in paris,

Robert went on to document the Sino-Japanese war, and world war ll where he was with the first wave onto Omaha Beach during the slaughter of the D Day invasion. In 1947 he set up the Magnum Photo Agency with Cartier-Bresson and others.

In 1954 Robert Capa agreed to supply life magazine with photos of the conflict between the french and viet minh in Indochina.

"I will be on my good behavior today, l will not insult my colleagues and l will not once mention the excellence of my work" - Robert Capa,
eight hours before he was killed by a landmine at Thai Bink.
He was 40

Friday, April 07, 2006

ACCESS Vancouver

ACCESS Artist Run Centre Vancouver is accepting proposals for shows for the main gallery. April 15 is the closing date; git their submission guidelines at:

Thursday, April 06, 2006

riff and raff...

Good day patriot members. Just a couple of things that might interest you;
click on this -grant monies and it will take you to the VADA grant website, a grant allowing you to learn something new, go ahead read it. Just contact them if your interested in the 2006 application.

and here, click on this- self indulgent and you will be whisked away to the richmond public art gallery, look around. They have a self portrait show coming up and you just need to be a member to get in, become a member, do yourself, richmond is okay.

"Sure on this shining night of star-made shadows round
Kindness must watch for me - This side the ground.
The late year lies down the north.
All is healed, All is health.
High summer holds the earth. Hearts are whole.
Sure on this summer night, I weep for wonder
Wand'ring far alone
of shadows on the stars."
-James Agee (Let us now praise famous men)

A painting l did of david earle a few years ago and more interesting is this -David Earle click on his name and go to his lovely website. A new book just came out on him and it is so beautiful, filled with journal writings, images of and from his life. Even if your not a dancer, even if you don't like dancing, even if you can barely walk, its worth the look.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Vulnerability and Sadness...the pure photography of Diane Arbus

"A photograph,is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." -Diane Arbus

-Teenage couple on Hudson str.,1963

Diane Nemerov was born in New York to wealthy store owners. She grew up rich, isolated and protected. Her brother was the poet Howard Nemerov.
At the age of 13 she fell in love with the actor Allan Arbus and at 18 (despite parents objections) married him.

For twenty years Diane and Allan ran a successful fashion photography studio.
In 1959 at the age of 36 with two daughters and seperated from Allan whom she had known for 22 years she began to form her own vision. She studied with Richard Avedon and important to her evolution was a class she took with Lisette Model.

Woman in Her Negligee, NYC, 1966

Diane Arbus worked hard, she didn't like things easy. She photographed people on the margins and prefered to photograph them in their bedroom because she believed that was where we are most ourselves.

girl on bed

While l was going to college l was in awe of Diane Arbus. I would take a big 4x5 camera and tripod downtown (Calgary) and stop people, asking them if l could take their picture.

I was struck by Diane Arbus's sadness and insight into universally shared fears, insecurities and aloneness we all feel.

man at parade on sixth avenue, 1969

Sadly Diane Arbus committed suicide in 1971 at the age of 48, at the height of her success, perhaps because of her success...

"Nothing is ever the same as they said it was." -Diane Arbus